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Paternity - Guardian Ad Litem

In any proceeding involving at least one minor child, Florida Statute 61.401 allows for the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem a.k.a....

Paternity - Relocation with Child(ren)

If no Court Order establishing paternity and time-sharing has been entered, and no paternity action has been filed, the Mother may...

Paternity - Disestablishment of Paternity

In some cases a man who thought he was the Father of a minor child may disestablish paternity and terminate a child support obligation. ...

Paternity - Contempt and Enforcement

Contempt of court occurs when a person who had knowledge of a court order requiring he or she do or not do something, willfully and...

Paternity - Child's Surname (Last Name)

In some instances a child born out of wedlock is given the Mother's surname. When a paternity action is filed the Mother of Father can...

Paternity - Modifying Child Support

Once a child support order is entered the Court requires a change in circumstances that will result in the child support payment amount...

Paternity - Establishing Paternity

When a child is born out of wedlock "paternity law" governs the rights of the parents. Florida Statute 742 is the law that primarily...

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