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Divorce - Guardian Ad Litem

In any proceeding involving at least one minor child, Florida Statute 61.401 allows for the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem a.k.a....

Divorce - Types of Alimony

Pursuant to Florida Statute 61.08, Alimony or Spousal Support has been broken down into 4 specific categories (1) Bridge The Gap (2)...

Divorce - Relocation with Child(ren)

Florida Statute 61.13001 defines "relocation" as a change in a parent's principal place of residence of at least 60 consecutive days and...

Divorce - Alimony and Retirement

There are many Florida divorce cases where a spouse is awarded permanent or "lifetime" alimony. Does lifetime alimony mean the person...

Divorce - Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are often beneficial to people who already have significant assets at the time they decide they want to get married....

Divorce - Assets and Liabilities

The division of the assets and liabilities acquired during the marriage are governed by Florida Statute 61.075. As with most legal...

Divorce - Cheating Spouse

Florida is a no fault divorce state. In a nutshell this means that neither spouse has to prove bad behavior of the other spouse (such as...

Divorce - Alimony in Florida "The Basics"

Alimony in Florida is governed by Florida Statute 61.08. The goal of alimony is to provide financial support in cases where one spouse...

Divorce - Modifying Child Support

Once a child support order is entered the Court requires a change in circumstances that will result in the child support payment amount...

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