If you are charged with a first time DUI you have to contend with the criminal charges in Court and also with your driver's license suspension with the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Call me and find out how we can help you navigate the process and help you obtain the best possible outcome in your particular case.
When you are arrested for a first time DUI the law enforcement office will take your driver's license and the ticket you are issued will act as your temporary driver's license for a limited period of time. Within that limited period of time you may be able to seek a hardship or business purpose only driver's license through the Florida DMV to avoid an interruption in your driving privileges.
The penalties for a first time DUI in Florida are below. Instances where breathalyzer results were .015 or above or if there was a minor in the vehicle are considered an enhanced DUI and the penalties are more severe.
Minimum Maximum Enhanced
Fine $500 $1,000 Min $1,000 Max $2,000
Probation 1 year 1 year
Jail Time Time served Six Months Min Time Served Max 9 months
License Suspension 180 days One Year
Vehicle Impound Ten Days Ten Days
Vehicle Interlock None Six Months
Community Service 50 hours
DUI School Required Required
Substance Abuse Eval Required Required
Court Costs Required Required
Call Phipps at (813) 600-3201 or Contact Us to schedule a free 15 minute telephone consultation to better understand your rights and to learn how legal representation may benefit you with your specific situation.